High School Programming Competition

Location and Date

Due to the circumstances of COVID-19, the 4th annual RTP programming competition will be held online at 1:00-5:00pm (EST) on 3/27/21.


Times Event
1:00 - 1:15 Setup and Introduction
1:15 - 1:45 Practice Contest (5 problems)
1:50 - 4:50 Competition (12 problems)
4:50 - 5:00 Wrap-up and Conclusion


This is the 4th high school programming competition organized by the Panther Creek Programming Team.

Each individual will work on a set of 10-12 programming problems during the 3-hour time period. The individual that solves the most amount of problems will win the contest, and time will be used as a tiebreaker. You can work on the problems in any order (it is optimal time-wise to solve the easiest ones first).

The grading system for the competition will be Kattis. Feel free to practice and get used to the platform. If you're unfamiliar with the Kattis system, here's a good place to start, and you can use these problems to warm up:

Note that everything will go through standard input/output (e.g. input()/print() and scanf()/printf()). Inputs will be given to you exactly as specified, and your outputs must also match exactly the official outputs.

You can use any language supported by the grading system (C, C++, Python2, Python3, Java, etc.).

Prizes (Subject to minor change)

Registration and Questions

Make sure you use the email associated with your Kattis account; WCPSS student email or personal are both fine.

Please use this link to sign up.

Email questions or comments to: aywang2@students.wcpss.net

Past Results

Year First Place Second Place Third Place
2018 Jordan McLeod, Nitish Gandi, and Ajay Kristipati Yashas Ambati, Maanav Singh, and Aditya Ranjan Akshat Kumar, Kavin Gouindarajan, and Tushaar Jain
2019 Spring Aarush Sharma, Pranav Krishnakumar, and Sujay Sudarsan Ashish Gupta and Andrew Wang Yashas Ambati, Maanav Singh, and Aditya Ranjan
2019 Fall Ashish Gupta and Andrew Wang Harry Chen, Sujay Sudarsan, and Alex Yoshida Qingyan Lu, Mathew Chu, Ganning Xu
2021 Spring Aaryam Maheshwary Mathew Chu N/A